Thursday, November 15, 2007


The big OSU-Michigan game is this weekend, which means today is the day to jump into mirror lake. Sadly, it's windy and cold outside, but that doesn't deter us. I hope we can redeem ourselves after the Illinois upset last weekend; that game was so sad that I cried.

Thanksgiving is next weekend and I'm really jazzed about it. The whole family - minus Sarah : ( is coming in and I can't wait to see them! Plus, I'm excited to go home.

  • I got to see Alicia Mac when she and her friends visited from OU. We got pedicures at Aveda and went shopping at Easton. I love having girls' days out.
  • Jenna came to visit with her roommate and her hs friend, Erin from Miami, and we got to hang out! I got to see Kiersten and Sarah's house; it loooks good.
  • I turned in my first paper at OSU! what a sense of relief.
  • The albino squirrel died. A hawk came and took our baby away from us. We will always remember you!!!
  • Randomly, the weather has just turned cold and windy.... WHY?!
  • BEAT MICHIGAN pep rally tonight.....

love annie. p.s. we don't give a damn for the whole state of michigan.