Friday, January 18, 2008

Winter Quarter

This quarter, I'm taking Chemistry, Anatomy, Spanish, and women's basketball. This quarter is more difficult than fall quarter, but I'm up for the challenge. Also, I've decided to rush sororities which has definitely been exciting. I also got a volunteer position in the OSUMC in emergency department research; I can tell I'm going to love it.

Other tidbits:
  • I got free tickets to the Will Ferrel Comedy Tour (but I had to wait in line 2 hours with my friend)
  • This weekend is a three day weekend! I'm excited.

P.S. I'll be turning my nursing application in soon. Wish me luck!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Finals week, FINALLY!

Studying all night and day while sipping on caffeinated beverages in the library is my ideal way to live. Oh, the joys of college. My Spanish and Math exam are tomorrow, consecutively. That will be rough, but at least I'll get two done at once. Then, I start studying again after that for my Biology final on Wednesday. The glass half full part is that it's not cumulative. Oh, how i love that. Pretty much everyone will be leaving for break Wednesday, but I'll be staying until the following Thursday so I can start makin' the big bucks! WHOO! That will give me time to get some Christmas shopping done and relax in C-bus.

This has been the most chill weekend at OSU since I've been here. The most exciting part of the weekend was watching the Sooners win! Go BUCKEYES!!!! I love upsets.

Anyways, I suppose I should return to hitting the books. Yes, that's right. I hit books.

I'll leave you with a little Michigan joke:
What kind of car does Jim Tressel own? A Lloyd Carr.

love annie

Thursday, November 15, 2007


The big OSU-Michigan game is this weekend, which means today is the day to jump into mirror lake. Sadly, it's windy and cold outside, but that doesn't deter us. I hope we can redeem ourselves after the Illinois upset last weekend; that game was so sad that I cried.

Thanksgiving is next weekend and I'm really jazzed about it. The whole family - minus Sarah : ( is coming in and I can't wait to see them! Plus, I'm excited to go home.

  • I got to see Alicia Mac when she and her friends visited from OU. We got pedicures at Aveda and went shopping at Easton. I love having girls' days out.
  • Jenna came to visit with her roommate and her hs friend, Erin from Miami, and we got to hang out! I got to see Kiersten and Sarah's house; it loooks good.
  • I turned in my first paper at OSU! what a sense of relief.
  • The albino squirrel died. A hawk came and took our baby away from us. We will always remember you!!!
  • Randomly, the weather has just turned cold and windy.... WHY?!
  • BEAT MICHIGAN pep rally tonight.....

love annie. p.s. we don't give a damn for the whole state of michigan.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Hang on Sloopy

I went to the Michigan State game on Saturday in the Shoe. It was exciting! Although, I have to say we did NOT do well the second half, but we ultimately won. GO BUCKEYES! We're ranked number 1 right now.

On Thursday night, I got to see Garrett, my cousin on my Dad's side, for the first time in about three years. It was really good to catch up with him; he looks great and he was going to take a tour of the college the following day. He visited some people at OSU who went to his high school, so I was able to meet his friends.

Also, I got a job at the front desk of my hall; I'm working the 3-5 am shift now. I have an 8:30-11:00 shift on Wednesday. I don't have too many hours yet, but a little bit helps.

I received an 89 on my first midterm in Algebra and Trig! That was a big surprise to me considering all the people in the class that I talked to received either C's or D's on the midterm.

Parent's weekend is next weekend, so Mom and Dad will be coming up to visit!

Until next time, Hang on Sloopy...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Feeling Sick

Ok, so when I got sick, I got really sick. First, I thought it was strep throat, but the test results came back negative. Then, my doctor thought it might be mono, but the test results were negative. Finally, my doctor discovered that I had bacterial tonsilitis after taking a blood test. My tonsils were inflamed! Yes, INFLAMED! I didn't go to class for four days it was that terrible. However, I got the right meds for it on Thursday when mom picked me up and took me home. I kept throwing up because my doctor gave me some really weird pain meds, but I stopped taking them and the problem was solved.

After being on antibiotics a couple days now, I feel a lot better.

Today was my first day of classes since last monday. And I had my math midterm today, so I hope I did well; I studied hard.

Anyways, I'm so happy I got to recuperate at home. Thanks, Mom. as well as to all the people on the floor who helped me out (even when it got gross). I guess this was just practice for them for nursing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It's life.

When I said college isn't all fun and games, I was being serious. I'm currently sick with a high temp, headache, and sore throat. I didn't go to class today, and I slept basically the whole day. But, Ben was nice enough to drive me to CVS to fill my prescriptions so I didn't have to walk all the way there. Thanks, Ben! Although, I will have to go to class tomorrow because I have two quizzes and work to turn in. : (

anyways, I'm hoping I'll get better soon.

love you and miss you all.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What's new?

Exciting things that have happened since moving in:

  • I brought my fish, burt, with me to school, he's doing well!
  • I went to the 4th annual World's Biggest Pillow Fight. It was intense; the fighting was a lot more crazy than i expected.
  • I went to my first OSU football game! We totally killed Northwestern (58-7), but it was so cool. I got to see TBDITL do the script ohio and dot the i. That was awesome.
  • Also, I'm volunteering at the hospital and I purchased my first pair of scrubs! CRAZY!
  • I got a position in my Hall Council, so we have the opportunity to improve dorm life by making upgrades in the basement and the hall work-out room and having hall events.
  • Although, it's not all fun and games: I got a 30/30 on my first bio quiz, and I have my first spanish test soon. wish me luck.