Sunday, December 2, 2007

Finals week, FINALLY!

Studying all night and day while sipping on caffeinated beverages in the library is my ideal way to live. Oh, the joys of college. My Spanish and Math exam are tomorrow, consecutively. That will be rough, but at least I'll get two done at once. Then, I start studying again after that for my Biology final on Wednesday. The glass half full part is that it's not cumulative. Oh, how i love that. Pretty much everyone will be leaving for break Wednesday, but I'll be staying until the following Thursday so I can start makin' the big bucks! WHOO! That will give me time to get some Christmas shopping done and relax in C-bus.

This has been the most chill weekend at OSU since I've been here. The most exciting part of the weekend was watching the Sooners win! Go BUCKEYES!!!! I love upsets.

Anyways, I suppose I should return to hitting the books. Yes, that's right. I hit books.

I'll leave you with a little Michigan joke:
What kind of car does Jim Tressel own? A Lloyd Carr.

love annie

1 comment:

Sarah McIntire said...

i think your first sentence sums up my life.