Monday, October 22, 2007

Hang on Sloopy

I went to the Michigan State game on Saturday in the Shoe. It was exciting! Although, I have to say we did NOT do well the second half, but we ultimately won. GO BUCKEYES! We're ranked number 1 right now.

On Thursday night, I got to see Garrett, my cousin on my Dad's side, for the first time in about three years. It was really good to catch up with him; he looks great and he was going to take a tour of the college the following day. He visited some people at OSU who went to his high school, so I was able to meet his friends.

Also, I got a job at the front desk of my hall; I'm working the 3-5 am shift now. I have an 8:30-11:00 shift on Wednesday. I don't have too many hours yet, but a little bit helps.

I received an 89 on my first midterm in Algebra and Trig! That was a big surprise to me considering all the people in the class that I talked to received either C's or D's on the midterm.

Parent's weekend is next weekend, so Mom and Dad will be coming up to visit!

Until next time, Hang on Sloopy...


Patty said...

Annie, Sounds like everything is gooing great! The hall desk job sounds good except that 3am thing. How is the volunteering going at the hospital. I can picture you in scrubs.You are going to make an awesome nurse. Can't wait to see your haircut!!!!
Keep hanging on sloopy!
Aunt Patty

Annie Mac said...

Volunteering is awesome. I get to feed patients! Normally, I pass out food trays, replace biohazard boxes and refill glove boxes. Not too exciting, but I love the hospital environment and it's a start.